Learning Philosophy 教育理念

Focusing primarily on creative play, discovery, and respect for others, we employ a unique blend of two principal learning methodologies: Reggio Emilia and Montessori. With a diverse group of children from various cultural backgrounds, ranging in age from 4 months to 5 years, we aim to provide a peaceful, balanced routine that offers plenty of time and space for uninterrupted discovery. As our infants grow into themselves and become more aware of their environment and the people filling their days, we encourage proprioceptive development, helping them explore the world around them through touch, seeing, hearing, and movement.

Apple Tree Core Values

Learning could take place in ANYWHERE

We build a healthy and safe learning environment to provide an exquisite, warm, and happy learning field that allows the children to explore and learn everywhere and combine community resources to enrich and expand learning horizons.

Learning solves the REAL problem.

We understand that the life and education of young children can be closely integrated, and we implement the educational ideal of learning by doing and learning through life. By enabling children to understand real problems and encouraging children to solve problems, children's learning efficiency is promoted, and children's physical and mental development is achieved.

Learn more about our daily routine by viewing our Schedule.